Quotes (704)

The family, too, is in decline among Christians. Believing fathers generally fail to play their God-given role as the spiritual leader of their families. Christian fathers in times past led their families in twice-daily family worship. Today most Christian fathers reinforce the pervasive humanism of our culture, denying the practical relevance of God to the lives of their children by failing to worship Him together with their families in the home.

– Philip Lancaster

2 thoughts on “Quotes (704)

  1. Matthew,

    For reference, our two surviving children (one miscarriage between them) are 22 and 26 years old. I was unsaved and wretched when they were young. God took care of them – as He does in the homes of diligent servant.

    I say this to comfort you – do your best, never get a high opinion of yourself. When your son gets a few years under his belt, make sure he knows you a sinful man under the authority of God. Teach him the Gospel and pray for him, as you pray for your wife and yourself – and trust the God who gave you a son to take care of his soul.

    A kind rebuke, from: http://gracegems.org/

    Godly parents cannot convert their children

    (Mary Winslow, “Life in Jesus”)

    “We were born with an evil nature, and we were under God’s wrath.” Ephes. 2:3

    “You must be born again.” John 3:7

    Godly parents cannot convert their children. God alone can do this. But they can lead them to Jesus, and bring them up in the fear of the Lord. And when they have done this, they have done all they can do; for the Holy Spirit alone can change the heart. They must be born again.

    Christ has said it. It is not a change of sentiment, nor an outward reformation of life; it is a new heart implanted by the Holy Spirit.

    “They are reborn! This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan–this
    rebirth comes from God.” John 1:13

    Oh – and the book in this post is ANOTHER one that the elders of my church have repeatedly encouraged us to read! (I have not yet done so.)


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