Travel & FAQ

April 28 & 29, 2023 – Yellowstone Baptist Church

Welcome to Wyoming

Where is Cheyenne, Wyoming?
Cheyenne is located 12 miles north of the Colorado/Wyoming border. We are located at the intersections of I-25 & I-80 and less than 100 miles from Denver, CO and Sidney, NE. We are the capital city with about 65,000 residents at an elevation of just over 6000 ft.

Where will the Conference be held?
Yellowstone Baptist Church is located at: 9204 Yellowstone Rd; Cheyenne, WY. 

How do I register?
While not required, we would like to have an idea of how many plan to attend so we can prepare enough snacks and meals. If you plan to join us, please go the Registration Page and fill out the form (note, your information will not be shared with any other organization or persons).

What’s the Conference cost?
While there is no registration fee, you can contribute at the conference, or send a check to: Yellowstone Baptist Church; 9204 Yellowstone Rd; Cheyenne, WY 82009. Please note for Bible Conference on your check. We will be receiving offerings/donations at the conference. Your freewill offering will go to help cover travel expenses and love offering for speakers, printing/website, etc.

Will there be childcare?
A nursery / child care room is available for parents with young children. Children are the responsibility of their parents. However, please note that if we have enough interest, we may provide childcare up to 3 years old. Let us know by leaving a note in the Registration Form.

Is there a dress code for the Conference?
There is no dress code apart from attire that brings glory to Christ and is not designed to bring attention to the wearer.

While our church uses the ESV, there is no restriction on the version you choose to use. Our focus is on glorifying Christ, and not being caught up in matters that have no bearing on the light of eternity. Each speaker uses the translation of their choice and we do not consider this is a Biblical determination for fellowship.

Lodging & Food?
Cheyenne has numerous accommodations and dining options. When you arrive at the conference, ask the natives for their dining recommendations. Click here for motel suggestions. Click here for AirBNB options. Natives will be recognized by large belt buckles and cowboy attire!

If you prefer to eat at a local establishment, there are a myriad of local and chain restaurants within 2-4 miles of the church.

What’s the closest airport?

Cheyenne has a commercial airport. Denver International Airport is 1.5 hours away.

Will the Conference be Livestreamed or recorded?

We plan to Livestream using our SermonAudio account.  If not, we will have audio and possibly video available shortly after the conference.

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