Effective Evangelism

tractreaderIf you’ve ever questioned whether passing out tracts is an effective method of evangelism, I hope this picture will dispel your doubts. This youngster was handed a tract, and sat down and read it. This is not an uncommon occurrence.

Living Waters is a good place to get tracts.

5 thoughts on “Effective Evangelism

  1. I have seen this happen more than once myself, and even seen people read it aloud to friends and discuss. Another great place to get tracts (once with solid theology and good law/gospel presentation) is onemilliontracts.com


  2. I am not a good speaker, specially when it comes to speak to strangers about the gospel, but I do pass tracts often. Your article and that picture of the young boy reading a tract has encouraged me to keep doing it!


  3. I have given out tens of thousands of tracts over the last 6-7 years. One the coolest things that happened to me were forgetting that there were some tracts in my bathing shorts pocket at the beach. After swimming for a few minutes with my two sons, I saw a few Million Dollar Bill tracts floating away from me at a pretty good clip. Before I could gather any up and be cited for littering the beach, they all floated into a group of about five teenaged girls who were picking them out of the water as fast as they came to them.

    When their hopes were dashed that it was not real money, one of the girls began reading a tract out loud to the other girls. After she was done, a discussion then followed about the Ten Commandments (specifically the 7th). They all walked out of the water reading the tracts and discussing the Commandments and the gospel.


  4. Amen! I like having a discussion with a person first if I can before I give them a tract with a strong encouragement to think about what we talked about, which they can read again.


  5. In the UK, we can put tracts through the letter slots in the doors. You never know where a tract will go once you give it out. I’ve been contacted by people far from our town who had read a tract we had passed out here in town. You never know where someone will put it down, who will pick it up, and to whom they will give it.


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