The Evil Oath of a Shriner

Disclaimer – Some of the information in these blogs is not deemed suitable for young readers.  We ask that discretion be used.  Much prayer is needed in the understanding of the ways of Lucifer.  This is NOT a trivial matter and we take our responsibility to warn of the evil and dangers of heresy, false doctrine, and cults very seriously.

The following information makes it very clear that no true Bible-believing Christian who has been born again by the Spirit of God can willfully, deliberately partake in the oath that follows.  It is a wicked organization, and it does not matter that they do some good or have children’s hospitals.

No local church will ever be blessed by God that allows a Shriner or a Mason in without that person first being willing to recant of the evil and the curses which they have uttered that are contrary to the Word of God! We will be discussing this in more detail in a later blog, Lord willing.

The Oath of a Shriner!

“Candidates for induction into the Shriners are greeted by a High Priest, who says:

“By the existence of Allah and the creed of Mohammed; by the legendary sanctity of our Tabernacle at Mecca, we greet you.”

The inductees then swear on the Bible and the Koran, in the name of Mohammed, and invoke Masonry’s usual gruesome penalties upon themselves:

“I do hereby, upon this Bible, and on the mysterious legend of the Koran, and its dedication to the Mohammedan faith, promise and swear and vow … that I will never reveal any secret part or portion whatsoever of the ceremonies … and now upon this sacred book, by the sincerity of a Moslem’s oath I here register this irrevocable vow … in willful violation whereof may I incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike me with livid plague, and may Allah, the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same. Amen. Amen. Amen.”

With this oath, Christians swear on the Koran, and declare Allah to be “the god of our fathers.” From the perspective of Christianity and Islam alike, Shriners take the name of God in vain, and mock both faiths.”

Excerpt from The Origins and Influence of Masonry
by Lee Penn, SCP Journal Vol. 25:2-25:3 2001
P0 Box 4308, Berkeley, CA 94704

A Word from a Shriner!

This video is very shocking.  The man actually claims to be Lucifer because Lucifer (in this man’s mind) is pure and virtuous.  Being a Shriner is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY incompatible with true Christianity.  It is a fact that there are believers who are caught up in Masonry.  However, a clear and careful examination of the Scriptures will reveal that the evil one is duping many.